To learn more about Global Spirit Season 1 programs and program guests, follow the links below.
- This program explores the concept of Oneness, and traces its evolution and expression through seemingly different religious and spiritual traditions.
- This program brings together both spiritual and the scientific traditions of east and west, and creates a unique conversation, shedding considerable light on the great, ongoing human quest for understanding “Consciousness”.
- In this program different interpretations and domains of dreaming are explored — blending recent scientific discoveries from an American dream specialist with rare insights on the native wisdom of “The Dreamtime” by an Australian Aboriginal elder.
- This program joins Brother David Steindl-Rast, Rabbi Jonathan Omer-Man and Maata Lynn Barron to shed light on some of the common attributes of those who yearn for and reach, however momentarily, what they describe as a direct experience of God or the Divine.
- In this program, Deepak Chopra shares his philosophical insights on Oneness as the fundamental basis of all reality while Riane Eisler sees Oneness as a human goal — a call to put love and empathy into action to remedy inequalities that have prevented the full expression of unity consciousness.
- In this program, two indigenous guests share their ancient wisdom and knowledge about man’s relationship to nature, as well as the profoundly sacred nature of all life — including sacred healing practices from the world of spirits, animals and plants.
- This episode of Global Spirit explores forgiveness and healing on a personal and societal level, illuminating how spiritual practice and compassion can aid us on this most critical of journeys.
- This program illustrates a new era of spiritual consciousness and a new level of communication and exchange among many of the world’s spiritual and contemplative traditions.
- This episode of Global Spirit seeks answers to these questions by looking at various sacred art forms, and by engaging with artists keenly aware of the spiritual aspect of the creative process.
- Drawing on personal experiences and the guests’ extensive knowledge of various religious traditions, this fascinating conversation illuminates the individual and universal dimensions of the spiritual quest.
- This episode explores the transcendent qualities of spiritual and sacred music with guests Rev. Alan Jones and Joanne Shenandoah as well as musical performances from a range of spiritual traditions.
- In this episode of Global Spirit, host Phil Cousineau explores the ecstatic state — a global phenomenon found in all kinds of spiritual, religious, and wisdom traditions with guests Sobonfu Somé and Andrew Harvey.