Love, Fear & Beyond

"Thank you for bringing Global Spirits programs for the world's enlightenment. It is uplifting to listen to human beings share their wisdom in joyful conversations without defense or a teleprompter. God's Love in action will always be." ~ Mally
Thank you very much you fill my heart with love and light in this new morning for me...Lots of love. ~Nyako
“My job is to give away Love. Depression gets in the way by disconnecting me from the Universe. Music is often the way back for me. Music is Love. I'm very grateful for the Love from Global Spirit and the Universe.”
"Thank you for this wonderful, hopeful breakthrough in TV programming. More, please!" ~ Eugenia Genie Dreyfus
“Please keep producing Global Spirit. I'm an amateur student of comparative theology and a musician so this is where my heart is. We need more food for the soul!
"Reaffirms the teachings that are also present in A Course in Miracles... it you loved this, the I recommend picking up the ACIM. 1Luv!"

This program was supported by:

Fetzer Institute

Love, Fear & Beyond

  • What are we talking about when we talk about love?
  • How does fear stop love? What are we really afraid of?

The world-class guitar player and Latin Rock legend Carlos Santana says that he continues to play music, not for the money or the fame or the gold records, but because music is the best way he knows to spread light and love. But what about that part of our culture and that part of ourselves that is infected by darkness and fear? This program suggests that fear and love cannot co-exist and that art, music, light and especially love, can get us through the turbulent times.

Program Guests

Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana is the legendary multi-Grammy award-winning musician and guitarist, credited with creating the sound called “Latin Rock” from a mixture of electric blues, psychedelic rock, Latin rhythms, and modern jazz. Carlos brings a lifelong commitment to the spiritual path, from his Catholic upbringing through his studies with Eastern philosophies and teachers and other spiritual sources.

Cindy Blackman Santana

Cindy Blackman Santana

Cindy Blackman Santana is a virtuoso drummer, composer and sound innovator with a passion for pushing creative boundaries and exploring movement and change. An articulate believer in the sacred, transcendent dimension of music, Cindy cultivates spirituality in and through her music, and believes “When you are playing music, you are doing the work of prayer.”

Dr. Jerry Jampolsky

Dr. Jerry Jampolsky

Dr. Jerry Jampolsky is a physician, psychiatrist, and authority in psychiatry, health, business & education. In 1974, he founded the International Center for Attitudinal Healing (ICAH), which offers people of all ages, faiths, and cultures facing life threatening illness, catastrophic events, loss of loved ones, or everyday challenges, free support services and unconditional love to help them through tough times.

Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky, Ph.D.

Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky, Ph.D.

Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky, Ph.D., is a therapist, clinical psychologist, and Executive Director of ICAH, whose work is based on the power of unconditional love and forgiveness. With her husband Jerry, Diane has written several books, published in more than 30 languages, has worked in 54 countries and has received numerous international humanitarian awards.

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Previous Comments


  1. Josée Laberge

    Hello! I could only hear a little part of the broadcast of this last show and loved what I heard.  Where could I find the intégrality of the broadcast?

    Thank you!

    Love,  Josée from Québec, Canada

  2. Marc

    Where cani view after 8/3?

    • admin

      You can purchase the DVD if the program resonated deeply with you. If you are on our email list we will be sending a recording of the webcast from last week.


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