The Search for God

Thank you very much you fill my heart with love and light in this new morning for me...Lots of love. ~Nyako
"I am blown away by how incredibly awesome this series is! I haven’t finished watching them all, but I am deeply moved and touched by these discussions. So powerful! Amazing TV, please keep doing what you are doing!" ~ Katy Throop Montanez
"Your Global Spirit TV program is a refreshing insight to Consciousness. It reflects many of my guru, Swami Amar Jyoti's, teachings as well which is a reminder of our spiritual heritage by the Masters of many traditions. Thank you for airing this program." ~ Carol Maun
"One of the best and most needed discussions on TV. This should be on prime time every day. I will tell everyone I know about it and will look forward to the next time I can be part of this timely wonder. This is what TV should be about. Thank you so much." ~ Violet
"My son recently passed on at the age of 24. I keep one of his t-shirts clipped to my headboard by means of a portable fan. It dislodged at 5:30am awakening me. I turned the tv on and Global Spirit was playing. I was directed to spirituality a few months ago by my son. I feel he wanted me to see this program to clarify my journey. The Spirit certainly works in mysterious ways. Namaste!"
“This movement of being part of the world while still living in a contemplative atmosphere is really so powerful.”

The Search for God

  • What do we mean when we use the word “God?”
  • If God is the ultimate reality, can we ever really “know”?
  • If God is all-inclusive, then who is asking the question?

The Search for God is perhaps the oldest of all spiritual quests. While the Abrahamic faiths place the concept of “God” as an entity separate from and above man, indigenous peoples tend to understand God or “Creator” as an integral, indivisible aspect of life, or nature. Some non-theistic faiths, such as Buddhism, focus not on a deity, but on a transcendent quality or attribute that the Buddha attained, such as compassion or enlightenment.

This program brings together two teachers from different faiths that have devoted their lives and teachings to the concept of “God” or “Ultimate Reality.” Dr. Jacob Needleman is an author and professor of Philosophy, who meets for the first time, Pir Zia Inayat Khan, a scholar and teacher of Islam and Sufism in the lineage of his father, Pir Vilayat Khan and his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat Khan.

Program Guests

Dr. Jacob Needleman

Dr. Jacob Needleman

Dr. Jacob Needleman is a professor of philosophy, a religious scholar, and author of several books including his most recent book called, What is God ? He was educated at Harvard, Yale, and Freiburg Universities. He is a former director of the Center for the Study of New Religions at the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, CA. He has been featured on Bill Moyers’ acclaimed PBS series, A World of Ideas.

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan

Pir Zia Inayat-Khan is a scholar and teacher of Sufism in the lineage of his grandfather, Hazrat Inayat-Khan. He is the president and spiritual leader of the Sufi Order International and founder of Seven Pillars House of Wisdom. Pir Zia holds a doctoral degree in Religion from Duke University, is a recipient of the U Thant Peace award, and is a Lindisfarne Fellow. He established the Suluk Academy, a school of contemplative study with branches in the United States and Europe.

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1 Comment

  1. Manuel Pérez

    Manuel Pérez ·
    California State University, Fresno

    I’m a retireed man of 75 and the program about Sufis caught my attention so I decide to go get more information and I find that I have to pay for dvd’s when I live on meagar SS stipend! I thought this show would be different, but no you to are competing with Joel Osteen for the peoples money. Sufiism is as old as time but I guess it smacks of greenbacks!!!

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