“What a powerful conversation and the value of our personal stories. Destiny as a connection and as medicine. We are all a part of one another.”
"Thank you! What a gift you share with us. Many blessings to each of you and your sharing of knowledge and truth."
"Thank you so much... I enjoy all of your shows and appreciate all the hard work you have put into the programming and content. I have learned so much."
"I only caught the last half an hour of the show but what I watched and learned WILL stay with me forever. All I can say is WOW and thank you!!"
"An excellent series of heartfelt spiritual explorations. Phil Cousineau is a thoughtful interviewer who brings the best out of some of the leading seekers of our time." ~ Anonymous
"Thank you for sharing this beautiful story. It opened my heart."
“My job is to give away Love. Depression gets in the way by disconnecting me from the Universe. Music is often the way back for me. Music is Love. I'm very grateful for the Love from Global Spirit and the Universe.”
"One of the best and most needed discussions on TV. This should be on prime time every day. I will tell everyone I know about it and will look forward to the next time I can be part of this timely wonder. This is what TV should be about. Thank you so much." ~ Violet
"I just finished watching a Sufi and a physicist talking about my favorite subject, oneness. I never imagined I could see this kind of conversation on TV. Thank you so much for this gift!" ~ Sallie Gordon
"A very insightful series with many wonderfully rich, spiritually diverse discussions. Fascinating!" ~ Anonymous
"Thank you so much... I enjoy all of your shows and appreciate all the hard work you have put into the programming and content. I have learned so much."
"Insightful, inspiring. Perfect investment of time."
“The conversation needs to be here. It is a spiritual conversation, like it or not. When hate runs wild on the street killing people. What do you call it?”
"This show is absolutely the best thing on TV!" ~ Gil Kraus
“I live in Indiana. Would love to be connected to other Rumi lovers. Have not been able to find anyone around here.”
“Tonight I said to my 3 & 6 years old after a long day, ‘Some days are better than others, but life is better with you.’ They both started singing the song all on their own. 🙂 I love that Soulrocker music is a part of our lives thanks to you!”
Wonderful program. I was so happy when I saw it on TV yesterday. I hope I will be able to see all the other episodes as well. I am trying to find out if this program is going to be on every Sunday or other days during the week. BEAUTIFUL, THANK YOU!
“That which makes our eyes well up in happy tears and which fills our heart with unknown serenity, that is divinity, and music is one which gives that out of body experience.”
"Love emanated from the TV...Deep resonant chords were struck. Thank you so much for sharing these powerful messages." ~ VJ Williams
“I am grateful for this gift on...the first annual anniversary of pilgrimage to honor my mother and her journey I was clinically prepared for, but who is truly prepared to send off their mother forever from this plane of earthly existence never to be seen again except in altered states of dreams…”
“For me it is my greatest source of Joy, nothing can ever take my joy because it abides within me and Divine.”
"Your Global Spirit TV program is a refreshing insight to Consciousness. It reflects many of my guru, Swami Amar Jyoti's, teachings as well which is a reminder of our spiritual heritage by the Masters of many traditions. Thank you for airing this program." ~ Carol Maun
"Informative, enlightening and beautifully produced." ~ Anonymous
"Thank you to both guests for your beauty, your teachings, and your grace. Thank you, Phil, for your curiosity and your deep listening!"
Thank you very much you fill my heart with love and light in this new morning for me...Lots of love. ~Nyako
"My compliments and profound thanks for your program Global Spirit. I have seen all shows until now and until now these have been my favorite shows on TV in my 57 years of life."
This episode of Global Spirit (The Art of Living and Dying) inspired me to donate and become a regular watcher. I am grateful for a show that expands my awareness.
"Totally enthralling and captivating." ~ Flo
"Absolutely real, deeply human, deeply moving !!"
"I am now beginning to understand why I am drawn to stroke the trees in Stanley Park and on my forest walks."
“Please keep producing Global Spirit. I'm an amateur student of comparative theology and a musician so this is where my heart is. We need more food for the soul!
“I am so touched, I am choking with deep emotion, teary eyed and ecstatic.”
"Reaffirms the teachings that are also present in A Course in Miracles... it you loved this, the I recommend picking up the ACIM. 1Luv!"
"I particularly loved and resonated with the interview with Sraddhalu Ranade. Thank you for the great program!" ~ Meredith Eve Clark
"Thank you for this wonderful, hopeful breakthrough in TV programming. More, please!"
"I am blown away by how incredibly awesome this series is! I haven’t finished watching them all, but I am deeply moved and touched by these discussions. So powerful! Amazing TV, please keep doing what you are doing!" ~ Katy Throop Montanez
"Great work... hope to see more of this kind of programing! Love to hear the differences between science and religion."
“This movement of being part of the world while still living in a contemplative atmosphere is really so powerful.”
“Being in a rural community, online spiritual communities are very helpful for me.”
“A very timely conversation. I spent time with my 97 year-old aunt last night as she is dying... My aunt told me many years ago she would be my mother... Last night I told her she was free to go and be with my mother, her sister. Thank you for this most informative talk. The part on forgiveness was amazing.”
"My son recently passed on at the age of 24. I keep one of his t-shirts clipped to my headboard by means of a portable fan. It dislodged at 5:30am awakening me. I turned the tv on and Global Spirit was playing. I was directed to spirituality a few months ago by my son. I feel he wanted me to see this program to clarify my journey. The Spirit certainly works in mysterious ways. Namaste!"
“Our entire experience of life is preparation for the great transition. Let us live with joy, love, and understanding as the pathway.”
"Enjoyed this long conversation very much, and look forward to the next one." ~ Anonymous
"Thank you for bringing Global Spirit's programs for the world's enlightenment. It is uplifting to listen to human beings share their wisdom in joyful conversations without defense or a teleprompter. God's Love in action will always be PEACE. May the creator/cosmos bless you for this program that not only serves to unify and understand each other, but also with God and our cosmic consciousness."
“Divine choice means I am whole and my journey is to discover that we all are whole. No need to fix, no need to do. Intention from deep within.”
"Not often do I have a chance to give thanks for such wonderful programming! Tonight I just "happened" on you and my world shifted. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be part of this 'cosmological family'". ~ Judy Newman
"Thank you for this wonderful, hopeful breakthrough in TV programming. More, please!" ~ Eugenia Genie Dreyfus
Love, love, LOVE this episode!!!!  Answered so many questions and reaffirmed my spirituality.  Thank you!!!
"I love this show! Try to watch it folks." ~ Magdalene Jaeckel
"Thank you for bringing Global Spirits programs for the world’s enlightenment. It is uplifting to listen to human beings share their wisdom in joyful conversations without defense or a teleprompter. God’s Love in action will always be. PEACE" ~ Mally

GLOBAL SPIRIT is a unique inquiry into humankind’s belief systems, wisdom traditions, and states of consciousness. This TV/web series sheds light on humankind’s deepest questions, tracing the eternal, yet still evolving human quest for meaning, truth and wisdom.

“Each week (Global Spirit) brings together scholars and other experts from different religious and philosophical backgrounds, not to sell a faith or argue hot-button issues, but to discuss universal themes like forgiveness or the nature of the spiritual journey.” ~ The New York Times

“The discussions on the “Global Spirit” series are sorely needed in this dispirited and disenchanted world. In many ways it is more important than journalism today.” ~ Bill Moyers

w/ Jean Shinoda Bolen & Roger Walsh
w/ Kabir Helminski & Parisa Soultani

w/ Jake Swamp & Oren Lyons

w/ Carlos & Cindy Blackman Santana
& Jerry & Diane Cirincione-Jampolsky
w/ Adam Bucko & Roshi Joan Halifax
w/ Jacob Needleman & Pir Zia Inayat-Khan
w/ Joanna Macy & Michael Tobias
w/ Willis Barnstone, Cynthia Borgeault
& Ken McLeod
w/ Pico Iyer & Zoila Mendoza
w/ Kay Olan & Orland Bishop
w/ Ahmad Sidi Kostas
w/ Therese Schroeder-Sheker
& Frank Ostaseski
Visit the Global Spirit program pages to learn more about our programs, view trailers and meet our program guests.
“Global Spirit — what does that mean?
Collective commonality… We have one thing in common.
We were born with love, by love, for love.
We were infected with fear. Nobody is born with fear.”
Carlos Santana, Musician, Author
Season 2 Presenting Host
Dive in for a direct, trans-denominational inner experience through meditations, chants and prayers led by some of the spiritual teachers who appear on Global Spirit.
Adam Bucko Leads a Contemplative Prayer
“Each Global Spirit program
conveys an experience —
a sense of feeling it rather
than just talking about it.”

John Cleese, Actor
Global Spirit Season 1 Presenter

Engage and connect with others who are interested or moved by our programs. Use our discussion materials and prompts as a catalyst for a conversation in an upcoming dinner or house party.
“Belief is a perspective and it can serve you for a time, but holding a single belief indefinitely is like clasping onto the rung of the ladder and staying there.
The ladder is meant to be climbed.”

Pir Zia Inayat Khan, Sufi Teacher
Global Spirit Program Guest

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